Archive for November, 2008

Voting Glitches

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

Many precincts all over the United States are reporting problems at polling places. Didn’t we learn anything with the hanging chad situation that cost Al Gore the Presidency, and ultimately the many lives lost in Iraq?

 I go to the ATM way to often. Occasionally I get to the gas pump (I don’t own a car) with my moped and motorcycle and use a credit card. I pay all my bills online. I file my taxes online. I’ve never caught a mistake. Why the hell can’t we vote online? I’m sure there are folks at American Idol that think we could even text it. This would ease the burden on the process and save us all a hell of a lot of money. Who set up the IRS payment website? Let them do it. Enough of this.

Mark Ida

Matson Fuel Surcharge

Monday, November 3rd, 2008

Kudos to Matson for lowering the fuel surcharge rate so quickly, and to Horizon for following suit. I don’t personally use their services, but I know most everything I buy gets here by ship and have confidence this savings will be passed on to me. The airlines blamed fuel costs for all the new wacky charges they have recently imposed. Something tells me not to hold my breath for them to rescind these outrageous added fees. Mahalo again to Matson and Horizon!

Mark Ida

Election Eve 2008

Monday, November 3rd, 2008

There are lines all over America filled with people waiting to vote. I can not recall a time when this has happened. This is the first year that “early voting” has become so popular and it’s been going on for days now. I’ve known about absentee ballots, but not early voting.

Now what makes this election so different? Hmmmm? Do Republicans really think the lines are for McCain? If you listen to them on the airwaves this the eve of the election, they are going to surprise Obama. If they do, we should all kill ourselves, I may.

Mark Ida

Aloha, Toots

Monday, November 3rd, 2008

So sad that a day before Barack Obama becomes the 44th President of the United States, his beloved Grandma he called Toots passed away. All of us wonder, now she’ll never know. Trust me, she knew. If she didn’t get that from watching TV, I’m sure Barack kneeled at her bed and said, “Grandma, I’m going to be President. Thank you so much for all the love and support you gave me. Soon the world will be a different place, and you will be in my heart always.”

I wondered about this situation. There is no way in hell I would ever be the President, win an Academy Award or anything else of great significance. I could be the Mayor of Honolulu, be awarded Businessman of the Year, or perhaps a porn award for best director, those are all possible but not on the near horizon. So I asked my Mom if any of those things happened, and I threw in whom I eventually married and having kids, would she feel shortchanged. She said, “No, it’s no biggie. I already no you could do all those things.”

What I come away with is that it is most heartbreaking for those left behind. Perhaps then the sadness we feel is self-indulgent. I’m starting my first film, any ladies want to get naked?

Mark Ida

No Vote, No Grumble!

Sunday, November 2nd, 2008

We have all heard this one. I think there is some truth to that, but would take it further. One shouldn’t vote, just because they can. If they don’t know the issues they should stay out. I wouldn’t even say just leave what you don’t know blank, because sometimes that is an automatic no vote.

There are only two days left to go until Barack Obama becomes President of the United States of America. Can you believe that many people are undecided? Are you fricken kidding me? It’s like finally deciding on which entree to order while your friends at the table have all finished dessert.  Just sit out if you are undecided at this late juncture.

Mark Ida